Friday, September 28, 2007

II k. Fight with determination(2.35-2.37)

The One continued:

Giving up, whether out of
compassion or discouragement
will put you down,
in the eyes of the revered
among the armament
who will think you chickened out
because of fear, irresolution and detriment

to whom your war-art is an inspiration,
to those yet to come
and to the young and new

you will no longer be

a glorious example to look upto

running away from arrows,
you will be shot down by words instead
undeserved criticisms, draining out
your self-respect and strength.

Whereas on the inevitable
commitment if you act
even death will be heaven
and your victory
making history
will have a lasting impact

Hence get up
oh son of devotion
and face the conflict,
fight the battle-the commotion
with clear focus on knowledge
and single-minded resolution


Mahatma Gandhis version

35. The Maharathas will think that fear made thee retire from battle; and thou wilt fall in the esteem of those very ones who have held thee high.

36. Thine enemies will deride thy prowess and speak many unspeakable words about thee. What can be more painful than that?

37. Slain, thou shalt gain heaven; victorious, thou shall inherit the earth: therefore arise, O Kaunteya, determined to fight.

Sanskrit (Krishna speaks)
bhayaadraNaaduparatam mansyante tvaam mahaarathaah

yeshaam cha tvam bahumato bhootvaa yaasyasi laaghavam (2.35)

avaachyavaadaanscha bahoonvadishyanti tavaahitaah
nindantastava saamarthya tato duhkhataram nu kim (2.36)

hato vaa praapsyasi svargyam jito vaa bhokshyasi mahim
tasmaaduttishTha kounteya yuddhaya krutaniShchayah (2.37)

Dr. Ramanand Prasads version

The great warriors will think that you have retreated from the battle out of fear. Those who have greatly esteemed you will lose respect for you. (2.35)

Your enemies will speak many unmentionable words and scorn your ability. What could be more painful than this? (2.36)

You will go to heaven if killed, or you will enjoy the earth if victorious. Therefore, get up with a determination to fight, O Arjuna. (2.37)

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