Saturday, October 6, 2007

II q. Skillful excellence in action (2.49-50)

dooreNa hyavaram karma buddhiyogaddhananjayah
buddhau sharaNamanviccHha krupaNaha falahetavah (2.49)
buddhiyukto jahaateeh ubhe sukrutadushkrute
tasmaadyogaaya yujyasva yogah karmasu kaushalam (2.50)

The far-sighted can see and pursue
long term happiness
beyond the short term misery
Every moment engaging in action
and yet untouched by the happening
the intelligent form an example
of dynamic responsibility
while being free,
in surrender

their action being
from the source
out of an expression
of the inner wisdom-life-force
unlike the selfish, myopic
carrot-chasing donkey

The fire of knowledge-awareness
can burn all karma in moments
and the cool grace of surrender
washing away the residues
of both actions, abominable
as well as meritworthy

Skilfully dropping the opposites
fight the war (and not with yourself)
while smiling in harmony
the skill to smartly do the doing
while watching - its all just happening
is itself the way to Oneness

responding to whatever is needed
engaging skill and grace
to the best of one's capacity
deep silence in dynamic activity

is the path of Yoga-unity...

Mahatma Gandhi's version
49. For action, O Dhananjaya, is far inferior to unattached action; seek refuge in the attitude of detached action. Pitiable are those who make fruit their motive.
50. Here in this world a man gifted with that attitude of detachment escapes the fruit of both good and evil deeds. Gird thyself up for Yoga, therefore. Yoga is skill in action.

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

Work done with selfish motives is inferior by far to the selfless service or Karma-yoga. Therefore be a Karma-yogi, O Arjuna. Those who seek (to enjoy) the fruits of their work are verily unhappy (because one has no control over the results). (2.49)

A Karma-yogi gets freedom from both vice and virtue in this life itself. Therefore, strive for Karma-yoga. Working to the best of one's abilities without getting attached to the fruits of work is called (Nishkaama) Karma-yoga. (2.50)

Total responsibility is total surrender. It's a little hard to chew, but this is the truth. People usually say either I take responsibility or surrender, but I tell you they go hand in hand. Suppose you are surrendered to the Knowledge. That means you are committed to sharing it with others. You take responsibility to see that it flourishes.

When you are taking responsibility and you find blocks, remember "surrender." That gives you strength to move ahead.

Taking responsibility or surrendering without doership is the skill of the wise.

~ Sri Sri..... excerpt from weekly knowledge # 57 11 Jul 1996

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