know not well
Neither the one who thinks
that s/he is hunting ,
"fighting hard",
nor the one who thinks
"poor me! I am dying hard
and am in pain"
really knows life as an eternal happening
that dwells within and beyond
both the slayer and the slain
who they truly are?
And creationless, nor recreated from parts
for that life within,
there is no beginning or final time
no-not on the body's birthday
or its death-chime
permanently on the move and yet totally still
timeless I am
unbeatable by death
despite the decaying body
Ajo anantaaya nityaaya shuddhaaya
unborn, infinite, eternal, everpure
I am
all pervading, ancient,
the very source of life
in you as you
in me as me
in them as them
is the ONE
then who is the slayer, who is the slain?
19. He who thinks of This (Atman) as slayer and he who believes This to be slain, are both ignorant. This neither slays nor is ever slain.
20. This is never born nor ever dies, nor having been will ever not be any more; unborn, eternal, everlasting, ancient, This is not slain when the body is slain.
21. He who knows This, O Partha, to be imperishable, eternal, unborn, and immutable—whom and how can that man slay or cause to be slain?
Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi
( Shree bhagavan uvaacha)
ya enam vetti hantaaram yashchainam manyate hatam
ubhou taou na vijaaneeto na hanti naa hanyate (2.19)
na jaayate mriyate vaa
kadaachinnaayam bhutva
bhavitaa vaa na bhooyah
na hante na hanyamaane sharire (2.20)
aveenaashi tu tadviddhi yena sarvam idam tatam
vinaashamavyayasyaasya kam ghaatayati hanti kam? (2.21)