Friday, September 14, 2007

II a: Shake up and Wake up (2.1-2.3)

Lucky was Arjun
to be with the ONE,
who chided him and nudged him
gently and yet firm.
Compassion of the wise
can come as strong admonition,
like at this time!

In an angry tone, hiding a smile,
said Krishna:
Where from have you allowed
these dark doubts
and attitudes of unproductive, defaming,
unenlightening irresponsibility (!)
to dwell in and deepen and weaken your heart?!

In the onset of this crucial battle
sits the mighty lion
whimpering like a squeaky mouse?!
Shake off this act of a whining lamb
Drop the drama,
the excuses, the complains
and stand up tall
up to the commitment, unshaken,
face the inevitable challenge
of the day with all your might.

Copyright 2007 dropsoflight for
Art of Living

Mahatma Gandhi's verse-by-verse

Sanjay Said:

2.1. To Arjuna, thus overcome with compassion, sorrowful, whose eyes were obscured by flowing tears, Madhusudana spake these words:

The Lord Said:

2.2. How is it that at this perilous moment this delusion, unworthy of the noble, leading neither to heaven nor to glory, has overtaken thee?

2.3. Yield not to unmanliness, O Partha; it does not become thee. Shake off this miserable faint-heartedness and arise, O Parantapa!

Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi


Sanjaya Uvaacha:
Tam tathaa kripayaavishtam ashrupoornaakulekshanam;

Visheedantam idam vaakyam uvaacha madhusoodanah. (2.1)

Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha:
Kutastwaa kashmalam idam vishame samupasthitam;
Anaaryajushtam aswargyam akeertikaram arjuna. ( 2.2)
Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha naitat twayyupapadyate;
Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam tyaktwottishtha parantapa. (2.3)

Copyright 3000 B.C. Vedavyasa for Sri Krishna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a boy who loved his spiritual Master. He would go around singing bhajans
and inspiring people. Once the Master
asked everyone to discuss some specific things besides singing bhajans. After a few weeks he was frustrated that nobody was listening, people would like to sing the bhajans and then dance and go home.
So he asked the Master-" People are not listening to your advice, they dont discuss the knowledge after satsang"

The master looked at him and said: "YOU sing the bhajans, YOU can start discussing!"

The boy wasnt even aware that he was complaining until the master pointed out that he needed to stand up and take action.