Monday, September 10, 2007

I a : The players in the war: (1.1 - 1.14)

The Bhagavad Gita

Chapter ONE

First chapter is the description of the context,
to set the stage of Arjuna's confusion.
Even a sharp and focused mind such as his,
got confused by the tumult around
and the tug of war. The impact of seeing
the near and dear ones split up on two sides, like
desirable features on two sides of a choicel, and the
resulting confusion of the previously focussed mind
is described in this chapter.
We shall go through the knowledge verses slowly but
context verses can be read rapidly depending
on one's carefulness and taste.

free verse I.a

Arjun was a warrior.
Not just any, but the best of his times....
Landed up in the battle field,
in a war he didnt want to fight,
with people he didnt want ever
to come face to face against...
in the middle of a time when his mind was in a jitter,
the soul was in a fritter...
and peace was nowhere in sight...
the tumult of the battle field...
the pull of ambition and dispassion on left and right..
Mighty strengths were at odds,
face to face,
eye to eye...
just as life can tear one
not just between desire and desire
but between a thirst for the truth, knowledge,light
and desire for pleasure and might

But he had a friend.
The ONE full of wit and wisdom,
love and enchantment,
mischief and depth...
who was unabashed in blowing
the conch of knowledge,
when the time came
to make the voice of quiet commitment and amnesty
louder than the tumult of violence and restless ambition...
how small and scanty does the army of right look...
the thin voice of conscience so easy to drown in the loud
shrieks of desire and delight!

Verse by Verse Translated by Ramanand Prasad :

Dhritaraashtra said: O Sanjaya, assembled in the holy field of Kurukshetra and eager to fight, what did my people and the Paandavas do? (1.01)

Sanjaya said: Seeing the battle formation of the Paandava's army, King Duryodhana approached his guru, Drona, and spoke these words: (1.02)

O master, behold this mighty army of the sons of Paandu, arranged in battle formation by your talented disciple, the son of Drupada. (1.03)

There are many heroes and mighty archers equal to Bheema and Arjuna in war such as Yuyudhaana and Viraata; and the great warrior, Drupada; (1.04)

Dhrishtaketu, Chekitaana, and the heroic King of Kaashi; Purujit, Kuntibhoja, and the great man Saibya; (1.05)

The valiant Yudhaamanyu, the formidable Uttamauja, the son of Subhadraa, and the sons of Draupadi; all of them are great warriors. (1.06)

Also know, O best among the twice born, the distinguished ones on our side. I name the commanders of my army for your information. (1.07)

Yourself, Bheeshma, Karna, and the victorious Kripa; Ashvatthaamaa, Vikarna, and the son of Somadatta. (1.08)

And many other heroes who have risked their lives for me. They are armed with various weapons, and all are skilled in warfare. (1.09)

Our army, commanded by Bheeshma, is invincible; while their army, protected by Bheema, is easy to conquer. (1.10)

Therefore all of you, occupying your respective positions on all fronts, protect Bheeshma only. (1.11)

The mighty Bheeshma, the eldest man of the Kuru dynasty, roared as a lion and blew his conch loudly bringing joy to Duryodhana. (1.12)

After that, conches, kettledrums, cymbals, drums, and trumpets were sounded together. The commotion was tremendous. (1.13)

Then Lord Krishna and Arjuna, seated in a grand chariot yoked with white horses, blew their celestial conches. ( 1.14)

Copyright 1988 by Dr. Ramanand Prasad - All Rights Reserved

For the sanskrit text and audio see:


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