Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I b : Awareness-the twilight zone (1.14-1.26)

The conches blew loud and clear,
Krishna and Arjuna,
and others from far and near
The roaring sound of the righteous
deafening the slaves of little mind...
And Arjuna asked the ONE to take him
to the fence of the honorable and dishonorable
One last look before the onset of the war
so that he could clearly see
who was at odds,
what was the war-toll going to be...
Shaken to see his dear ones on the wrong side...

Until this last examination
there was clarity, power, and determination...
and this decision to stretch and redefine
the limit of the comfort-zone
brought to light new doubts, new fears
unheard of until reaching the twilight zone,
neither asleep-unaware,
nor wakeful-blossomed in awareness....

Copyright 2007 dropsoflight for
Art of Living.


Verse by Verse Translated by Ramanand Prasad :

Krishna blew His conch, Paanchajanya; Arjuna blew his conch, Devadatta; and Bheema, the doer of formidable deeds, blew (his) big conch, Paundra. (1.15)

The son of Kunti, King Yudhishthira, blew (his conch) Anantavijaya, while Nakula and Sahadeva blew Sughosha and Manipushpaka conches, respectively. (1.16)

The King of Kaashi, the mighty archer; Shikhandi, the great warrior; Dhristadyumna, Viraata, and the invincible Saatyaki; (1.17)

King Drupada, and the sons of Draupadi; the mighty son of Subhadraa; all of them blew their respective conches, O lord of the earth. (1.18)

The tumultuous uproar, resounding through earth and sky, tore the hearts of the Kauravas. (1.19)

Seeing the sons of Dhritaraashtra standing; and the war about to begin; Arjuna, whose banner bore the emblem of Hanumana, took up his bow; and (1.20)

Spoke these words to Lord Krishna: O Lord, (please) stop my chariot between the two armies until I behold those who stand here eager for battle and with whom I must engage in this act of war. (1.21-22)

I wish to see those who are willing to serve the evil-minded son of Dhritaraashtra by assembling here to fight the battle. (1.23)

Sanjaya said: O King, Lord Krishna, as requested by Arjuna, placed the best of all the chariots in the midst of the two armies; (1.24)

Facing Bheeshma, Drona, and all other Kings; and said to Arjuna: Behold these assembled Kurus! (1.25)

There Arjuna saw his uncles, grandfathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, and comrades. (1.26)

Copyright 1988 by Dr. Ramanand Prasad - All Rights Reserved
Reproduction in for-sale media is prohibited.


For the sanskrit text and audio see:



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