Thursday, September 13, 2007

I d: The certainty of the deluded (1.37- 1.46)

Convinced it was a sin
to fight and destroy
the greedy and small-minded ones
after all, weren't they old friends?

Just as sometimes in walking
the path to the vast
tiny cravings, fears, aversions
disguised as very convincing "reasons"
can rob off of our zeal and willingness

Elusive pleasure of old patterns
not a source of charm or delight,
but the very thought of leaving
cause of such pain and fright!
knowing their harmfulness to evolution
and yet knees buckle, when left
face-to-face with them, aghast!

Decidedly Arjun put down his arms,
ready to be killed by the small mind
sorrowful and disheartened
disinterested in the action
for which he had learnt his war-art

Just as in the heat of some moments
all knowledge gets blown away into the wind
and one is taken over
by unruly wanderings of the little mind
wonder-blunders of a short sight!

Such was the state of the warrior of warriors
as he sat unaware and unwilling
to act as the moment needed him to...
yet seemingly certain
of his desire to not fight,

Ah...isnt it such a contrast
from the perhaps-ness of the wise!
The certainty in the deluded mind
oft becoming its very plight!

Heartbroken, he exemplified
Non-resistance in (in)action and
Full resistance in the mind...

Oh haven't we all sometimes
been there..done that? :)

Copyright 2007 by Art of Living Foundation (

Verse by Verse Translated by Ramanand Prasad :

Therefore, we should not kill our brothers, the sons of Dhritaraashtra. How can we be happy after killing our kinsmen, O Krishna? (1.37)

Though they, blinded by greed, do not see evil in the destruction of the family, or sin in being treacherous to friends. (1.38)

Why shouldn't we, who clearly see evil in the destruction of the family, think about turning away from this sin, O Krishna? (1.39)

With the destruction of the family, the eternal family traditions are destroyed, and immorality prevails due to the destruction of family traditions. (1.40)

And when immorality prevails, O Krishna, the women of the family become corrupted; when women are corrupted, social problems arise. (1.41)

This brings the family and the slayers of the family to hell, because the spirits of their ancestors are degraded when deprived of ceremonial offerings of rice-ball and water. (1.42)

The everlasting qualities of Varna and family traditions of those who destroy their family are ruined by the sinful act of illegitimacy. (1.43) (Note: Varna means color, or the make up and the hue of mind; a social division or order of society such as caste in India.)

We have been told, O Krishna, that people whose family traditions are destroyed necessarily dwell in hell for a long time. (1.44)

Alas! We are ready to commit a great sin by striving to slay our kinsmen because of greed for the pleasures of the kingdom. (1.45)

It would be far better for me if the sons of Dhritaraashtra should kill me with their weapons in battle while I am unarmed and unresisting. (1.46)

Sanjaya said: Having said this in the battle field and casting aside his bow and arrow, Arjuna sat down on the seat of the chariot with his mind overwhelmed with sorrow. (1.47)

Copyright 1988 by Dr. Ramanand Prasad - All Rights Reserved
Reproduction in for-sale media is prohibited.


For the sanskrit text and audio see:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is the easiest to fool oneself