Sunday, December 9, 2007

III l. Conquer the desire with awareness

indriyaaNi manobuddhirasyadhishThaanamuchyate
etairvimohayatyesha gnaanamaavruttyadehinaam

tasmaattvamindriyaanyaadau niyamya bharatarshabha
paapmaanam prajahi hyenam gnaanavignaana naashanam

IndriyaaNiparaaNyaahur indriyebhyah param manah
manasastu paraa buddhir yobuddheh parasastu sah

Evam buddheh param buddhva sanstabhyaatmaanamaatmanaa
jahi shatrum maahaabaaho kaamaroopam duraasadam

Constricting the senses,
forming impressions in the mind,
this lust covers the intelligence,
covering up the knowledge,
the very nature
of the life residing in the body

Conquer this, regulating the
senses and the mind
unregulated leads to disastrous actions
destroying awareness and(con)science!

That which senses through the senses,
Beyond that mind is the intellect,
That which enlivens the intellect,
beyond intelligence,
beyond words,
beyond amazement!
is who you are!

Knowing the supreme intelligence
driving the intellect,
established in the self of yourself,
Oh mighty one,
demolish this desire enemy!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

The senses, the mind, and the intellect are said to be the seat of Kaama. Kaama, with the help of the senses, deludes a person by veiling Jnana. (3.40)

Therefore, O Arjuna, by controlling the senses kill this devil (of material desire) that destroys knowledge and discrimination. (3.41)

The senses are said to be superior (to matter or the body), the mind is superior to the senses, the intellect is superior to the mind, and Atma is superior to the intellect. (3.42)

Thus, knowing the Atma to be superior to the intellect, and controlling the mind by the intellect (that is purified by Jnana), one must kill this mighty enemy, Kaama, O Arjuna. (3.43)