Saturday, September 22, 2007

II g. The MAGNIFICIENT YOU! (2.22-2.25)

the water flows
each moment new
and yet the river
stays the same
the banks that are still
only can notice the flow

thoughts, feelings rush
through the mind,
through you
sparks of life
and in some quiet moments
you see them flow

clothes are changed
when tattered or stinky
old giving way to fresh hues
just so do the bodies change
worn out replaced by brand new!

swords or words that cut like them
cannot cut who you truly are
neither can the burning fire
in the mind or heart or situation outside
char that life within
nor is the spirit drenchable by rainy gloom
or moved by feverish wind

unruffled by devastating storms,
the unbroken stream of life called you flourishes
impossible to interrupt, divide, dissolve or evaporate
eternal, undecaying
ever so fresh, like this moment
totally still and yet totally moving
uncapturable in expressions and words
unfathomable by contemplation or thought
untouched by vices or silly feelings and thoughts
limitless like the star-filled sky
YOU are!

know this,
your true nature,
and be free from despair!

Mahatma Gandhi's verse-by-verse

22. As a man casts off worn-out garments and takes others that are new, even so the embodied one casts off worn-out bodies and passes on to others new.

23. This no weapons wound, This no fire burns, This no waters wet, This no wind doth dry.

24. Beyond all cutting, burning, wetting and drying is This-eternal, all-pervading, stable, immovable, everlasting.

25. Perceivable neither by the senses nor by the mind, This is called unchangeable; therefore knowing This as such thou shouldst not grieve.

Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi

( Shree bhagavan uvaacha)

vaasaansi jeerNaani yathaa vihaaya navaani gruhNaati naroparaaNi
tathaa shariraaNi vihaaya jeerNanyanyaani sanyaati navaani dehee(2.22)

nainam chhindanti shastraaNi nainam dahati paavaka
na chainam kledayantyaapo na shoshayati maarutah (2.23)

achhedyoyamadaahyoyamakledyoashoshya eva cha
nityah sarvagatahsthaaNurachaloyam sanaatanah(2.24)

tasmaadevaviditvainam nanushochitumarhasi(2.25)

Friday, September 21, 2007

II f. Ajo Anantaaya (2.19-2.21)

for they who think they know IT all
know not well
Neither the one who thinks
that s/he is hunting ,
"fighting hard",

nor the one who thinks
"poor me! I am dying hard
and am in pain"

really knows life as an eternal happening
that dwells within and beyond
both the slayer and the slain
who they truly are?

And creationless, nor recreated from parts
for that life within,
there is no beginning or final time
no-not on the body's birthday
or its death-chime
permanently on the move and yet totally still
timeless I am
unbeatable by death
despite the decaying body
Ajo anantaaya nityaaya shuddhaaya
unborn, infinite, eternal, everpure
I am
all pervading, ancient,
the very source of life
in you as you
in me as me
in them as them
is the ONE
then who is the slayer, who is the slain?

Mahatma Gandhi's verse-by-verse

19. He who thinks of This (Atman) as slayer and he who believes This to be slain, are both ignorant. This neither slays nor is ever slain.

20. This is never born nor ever dies, nor having been will ever not be any more; unborn, eternal, everlasting, ancient, This is not slain when the body is slain.

21. He who knows This, O Partha, to be imperishable, eternal, unborn, and immutable—whom and how can that man slay or cause to be slain?

Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi

( Shree bhagavan uvaacha)

ya enam vetti hantaaram yashchainam manyate hatam
ubhou taou na vijaaneeto na hanti naa hanyate (2.19)

na jaayate mriyate vaa
kadaachinnaayam bhutva
bhavitaa vaa na bhooyah
na hante na hanyamaane sharire (2.20)

aveenaashi tu tadviddhi yena sarvam idam tatam
vinaashamavyayasyaasya kam ghaatayati hanti kam? (2.21)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

II e. Unbreakable Life (2.16-2.18)

The untruth sustains not
the feelings so dynamic
nor can the static lack
support truth and life...
Only the one who sees beyond the opposites
of feeling and unfeeling,
of change and stagnation
of desire and resistance,
of faith and doubt,
of darkness and light,
can get to the wisening insight.

realise the endlessness
of that which is
here and there
pervading the whole universe-seen and unseen

of this indivisible oneness,
neither mutation nor mutilation
is a possibility...

the bodies will dissolve
and disintegrate anyway
while the life inside remains forever
unfathomable, indestructible...infinite...
hence stand up and fight O mighty one...

Mahatma Gandhi's verse-by-verse

2.16. What is non-Being is never known to have been, and what is Being is never known not to have been. Of both these the secret has been seen by the seers of the Truth.

2.17. Know that to be imperishable whereby all this is pervaded. No one can destroy that immutable being.

2.18. These bodies of the embodied one who is eternal, imperishable and immeasurable are finite. Fight, therefore, O Bharata.

Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi

( Shree bhagavan uvaacha)
Naasato vidyate bhaavo naabhaavo vidyate satah
ubhayorapi drushTontastvanayostattvadarshibhih(2.16)

avinaashi tu tadviddhi yena sarvamidamtatam
vinaashamavyayasyaasya na kashchitkartumarhati (2.17)

antavanta ime deha nityasyoktashareereeNah
anaasheeno aprameyasya tasmaadyuddhyasva bhaarata(2.18)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

II d: You are beyond time (2.12 - 2.15)

Sutra Subject: Immortality

It's the individual who gets destroyed. Infinity is indestructible. Being immortal is looking at your infinite nature.~SriSri

there was no moment, no time
when i was not present
and neither were you ever absent
or these warriors of your kin
events and moments, come and go
way beyond them you and me and them
shall continue to be,
chasing time all the way upto eternity.

the resident of the body
so continuously on the move
from staying in the frame of an infant
to that of the young to the aged tenant
And when the residence becomes tumble-down
simple! trade it in
for a fresh one, with a shining crown...

( and you dont even have to sign a lease!)
who gets deluded by the shape-move?
not he who lives in the wisdom-groove.

fire and ice...sun and snowflakes
being but temporary handshakes
between the senses and the matter vain
a moment of pleasure and a moment of pain
with a smile as your patient greeting
watch the sensations,
so transient and fleeting!

The ONE who stands unshaken, with temerity
across the flashes of gloom and glee
is he who can and does dissolve
in the present,
in the timeless presence
and lives embodying eternity

Mahatma Gandhi's verse-by-verse

2.12. For never was I not, nor thou, nor these kings; nor will any of us cease to be hereafter.

2.13.As the embodied one has, in the present body, infancy, youth and age,even so does he receive another body. The wise man is not deceivedtherein.

2.14.O Kaunteya! contacts of the senses with their objects bring cold and heat, pleasure and pain; they come and go and are transient. Endurethem, O Bharata.

2.15.O noblest of men, the wise man who is not disturbed by these, who is unmoved by pleasure and pain, he is fitted for immortality.

Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi

( Shree bhagavan uvaacha)

na tvevaaham jaatu naa-asam na tvam neme janadhipah
nachaiva na bhavishyama sarve vayamatah param (2.12)

dehinosminyathadehe koumaaram youvanam jaraa
tatha dehantarapraaptirdheerastatra na muhyati (2.13)

maatraasparshastu kounteya sheetoshNa sukhaduhkhada
aagamaapaayeenonityans tantiteekshasva bhaarata (2.14)

yum hi no vyathayantete purusham purusharshabha
samaduhkhasukhamdheeram somrutatvaaya kalpate (2.15)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

II c. The wise lament not the past or future...(2.9-2.11)

The conquerer of sleep
lay down his arms and sat
waiting for the answer
to his sincere query

There in the middle of the TWO sides
laughing with compassion
the ONE teased him:
Brooding on that which is not worth,
you're misusing words to sound wise!
Neither regret for that which is gone
Nor worry for the that which hasnt even arrived,
trap the attention of the learned,
No! not at any price....

Mahatma Gandhi's verse-by-verse

Sanjaya Said:

9. Thus spoke Gudakesha Parantapa to Hrishikesha Govinda, and with the words 'I will not fight' became speechless.

10. To him thus stricken with anguish, O Bharata! between the two armies, Hrishikesha, as though mocking, addressed these words:

The Lord Said:
11. Thou mournest for them whom thou shouldst not mourn and utterest vain words of wisdom. The wise mourn neither for the living nor for the dead.

Copyright 1934 Mahadev Desai for Mahatma Gandhi


Sanjay uvaacha
Evamuktvaa Hrishikesho GuDakesho Parantapa
Na yotsya iti Govindamuktvaa tooshNim babhoovah(2.9)
tamuvaacha hrisheekesho prahasanniva bhaarata
senayorubhayourmadhye visheedantamidam vachah(2.10)

Shree bhagavaan uvaacha

Ashochyaananvashochastvam Pragnavaadanschcha bhaashase
gataasoonagataasoonschcha nanushochanti panDitah (2.11)

Copyright 3000 B.C. Vedavyasa for Sri Krishna