Wednesday, October 3, 2007

II n. If you follow fun, misery follows you (2.42-44)

The One continues

those immature ones who chase
Flowery and seemingly irresistible
pleasures and comforts
through religious rituals and offerings
know not the way to truth
nor the essence of the vedas:
of knowledge, of life

the uncaring use the spiritual
to fulfil their material desires
and turn to knowledge
for some short term pleasures,
momentary reliefs, aiming
to get rich or to go to some heaven
or to speed up the returns
of their actions...
the wise seek the imperishable richness
and trade the material
in lieu of realisation of the truth.

The irresolute one
hooked to pleasures
and using their time
just to make comforts and money
impossible for them
is the effortless focus
and the way back to
freedom, peace and equanimity..

Mahatma Gandhi's version

When the attitude ceases to be one and undivided and becomes many and divided, it ceases to be one settled will, and is broken up into various wills of desires between which man is tossed about.

42-44. The ignorant, revelling in the letter of the Vedas, declare that there is naught else; carnally-minded, holding heaven to be their goal, they utter swelling words which promise birth as the fruit of action and which dwell on the many and varied rites to be performed for the sake of pleasure and power; intent, as they are, on pleasure and power their swelling words rob them of their wits, and they have no settled attitude which can be centered on the supreme goal.

yaamimaam pushpitaam vaachah pravadantya vipashchitah

vedavaadarataah paartha naanyadasteetivaadinah(2.42)

kaamaatmaanah svargaparaa janmakarmafalapradaam

bhogaishvaryaprasaktaanam tayaapahyatachetasaam
vyavasaayaatmika buddhirsamaadhau na vidhiyate(2.44)

Relevant Knowledge fax
Weekly Knowledge #79 Bangalore Ashram
12 Dec 1996 India


The mind that is seeking pleasure cannot be centered. You either seek pleasure or come to me. When you are centered, all pleasures come to you anyway, but they are no longer pleasures. They lose their charm. The mind that seeks pleasure can never achieve the highest. If you are after pleasure, forget about Satsang. Why are you wasting your time? This is the Art of Living.

If you are enjoying your suffering, then you also cannot be centered and you are far away from the path.

Susannah: What do you do when people talk negatively about this organization, Satsangs, teachers, or anybody for that matter?

Guruji: From your side give license to everybody to talk about anything, about anybody, anywhere, at any time.

Exercise -- Talk maximum negativity about everybody this whole week. This is a challenge.

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

Those who are resolute have only one thought (of Self-realization), but the thoughts of the irresolute are endless and many-branched, O Arjuna. (2.41)

The unwise who delight in flowery words (or the chanting of the Vedas without understanding the real meaning) stress Karma-Kaanda, the ritualistic aspect of the Vedas, O Arjuna, and say that there is nothing else (except material enjoyment). (2.42)

They prescribe various specific rites for the attainment of pleasure and power to those who are full of desires, and hold the attainment of heaven as the highest goal of life. The rebirth is their fruit of action. (2.43)

The resolute determination (of Self-realization) is not formed in the minds of those who are attached to pleasure and power; and whose discernment is obscured by such (ritualistic) activities. (2.44)

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