Monday, December 3, 2007

III j. Naturalness is the best

saddrusham cheshTate svasyah prakrutergnaanavaanapi
prakrutim yaanti bhootaani nigraha kim karishyati? (3.33)

indriyasyendriyaarthe raagadveshavyavasthitau
tayorna vasham aagachhet tou hyasya paripanthinou (3.34)

shreyaan svadharmo viguNaat paradharmaat svanushThitaat
svadharme nidhanam shreya paradharmo bhayavah (3.35)

When perception, thought and action
of every living being
is but a play, a phenomenon of their body's nature
what will resistance accomplish?
do even the enlightened have a choice
but to act with wisdom?
as the senses move in sense objects
cravings and aversions
are bound to arise,
just as ripples on water do,
don't be pushed around by them,
neither resist them-obstacles
Glorious it is to play your part
by your own inner nature,
even if with poor quality
than to seek someone else's role
played with excellence and audacity
your natural path
bringing death even
is way superior
beware of being someone other
than yourself!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad

All beings follow their nature. Even the wise act according to their own nature. What, then, is the value of sense restraint? (3.33)

Raaga and Dwesha (or the attachments and aversions) for the sense objects remain in the senses. One should not come under the control of these two, because they are two stumbling blocks, indeed, on one's path of Self-realization. (3.34)

One's inferior natural work is better than superior unnatural work. Death in carrying out one's natural work is useful. Unnatural work produces too much stress. (3.35)

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