Tuesday, October 2, 2012

IV c. One with me! (4.10-12)

Come to me!   A poem by Sri Sri 

My abode is beyond the heaven,
far away from hell.
Come to me, come to me.
All the charming faces,
boys and girls,
eyes and noses,
hairs and dresses,
cookies and sweets
and chocolates --
pass them on.
Smiling and dancing,
come to me, come to me.
Joyfully move in this direction,
a thousand blessings on the way.
Walk through them,
don't get stuck.
Pass through them.
Come to me.
Angels are ready to serve you and
crown you with the highest.
Don't stop before that.
Come to me, come to me.

vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhā man-mayā mām upāśritāh
bahavo jñāna-tapasā pūtā mad-bhāvam āgatāh 4.10

ye yathā māḿ prapadyante tāḿs tathaiva bhajāmy aham
mama vartmānuvartante manusyāh pārtha sarvaśah 4. 11

kāńksantah karmanāḿ siddhiḿyajanta iha devatāh
ksipraḿ hi mānus e loke siddhir bhavati karma-jā    4.12

Baking thoroughly the  wavering mind,
to hankerings and repulsions,
frights and frustrations,
the fire of this knowledge has disentangled many
who chose to rejoice and repose
in my abode-
the silent corner within,
beyond  words, beyond silence, 
beyond the fleeting feelings,
they have attained the essence of who they are
and who I am

For as  they come to me,
so I share with them
Just as all rivers end up in the ocean, 
just so, no matter what path, 
 they all end up in me!

Desiring success in the worldly works
Nurturing the various subtle energies,
In this human world such devoted are quickly blessed 
with perfection born out of intent actions


vīta — freed from; rāga — attachment; bhaya — fear; krodhāh — and anger; mat-mayā — fully in Me; mām — in Me; upāśritāh — being fully situated; bahavah — many; jñāna — of knowledge; tapasā — by the penance; pūtāh — being purified; mat-bhāvam — oneness with me; āgatāh — attained.

ye — all who; yathā — as; mām — unto Me; prapadyante — surrender; tān — them; tathā — so; eva — certainly; bhajāmi — reward; aham — I; mama — My; vartma — path; anuvartante — follow; manusyāh — all men; pārtha — O son of Prthā; sarvaśah — in all respects.

kāńksantah — desiring; karmanām — of fruitive activities; siddhim — perfection; yajante — they worship by sacrifices; iha — in the material world; devatāh — the demigods; ksipram — very quickly; hi — certainly; mānuse — in human society; loke — within this world; siddhih — success; bhavati — comes; karma-jā — from fruitive work.

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's translation
Freed from attachment, fear, and anger; fully absorbed in Me, taking refuge in Me, and purified by the fire of Self-knowledge, many have attained Me. (4.10)
With whatever motive people worship Me, I reward them (or fulfill their desires) accordingly. People worship (or approach) Me with different motives. (4.11)
Those who long for success in their work here (on the earth) worship the demigods (or Devas). Success in work comes quickly in this human world. (4.12)

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