untempted by pleasure
unrepulsed by pain
undeterred by losses
not working for some little gain
undaunted facing failure and
unexcited by success
valiant amidst defeat or victory
even in the toughest test
valiant amidst defeat or victory
even in the toughest test
celebrating life with grace and poise
Not to win or to avoid forfeit,
but just to sport
your personal best
and to stretch your own limits
when you fight the war
just playing
in your role/s all the way upto
and beyond your edge
and beyond your edge
in this strange and bewildering
battle of life
there will be no way
for guilt, regret, ignorance, blame,
for guilt, regret, ignorance, blame,
and their smoke-depression: sin
to even arise or haunt you...
established in one's pure
eternal nature
one can celebrate
what one must do
the warrior fights
peacemaker unites
and you can do either-
when the time is right..
The claim to glory,
in heaven and earth
is by doing whatever is necessary
whenever the moment needs you to
in heaven and earth
is by doing whatever is necessary
whenever the moment needs you to
such is the wisdom of "Saankhya"
And now assimilate
the way of Yoga
which brings freedom
while living in the world
overflowing with committments too!
And now assimilate
the way of Yoga
which brings freedom
while living in the world
overflowing with committments too!
That karmaa could ever tie you down
will appear a joke
if you ruminate and act
on what i am about to tell you...
Mahatma Gandhi's version
38. Hold alike pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat, and gird up thy loins for the fight; so doing thou shalt not incur sin.
39. Thus have I set before thee the attitude of Knowledge; hear now the attitude of Action; resorting to this attitude thou shalt cast off the bondage of action.
sukhaduhkhe same krutvaa laabhaalaabhou jayaajayou
sukhaduhkhe same krutvaa laabhaalaabhou jayaajayou
tato yuddhaaya yujyasva naivam paapamavaapsyasi (2.38)
esha teabhihitaa saankhye buddhiryoge tvimaamshruNu
buddhya yukto yayaa paartha karmabandham prahaasyasi(2.39)
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