Sthitapragnasya kaa bhaashaa samaadhistasya keshava
sthitadheeh kim prabhaasheta kimaaseetavrajeta kim (2.54)
Shree Bhagavaan uvaacha
Prajahaati yadaa kaamaan sarvaanpaartha manogataan
aatmanyevaatmanaa tushTah sthitapragnastadochyate(2.55)
duhkheshvanudvignamanaah suhkheshu vigataspruha
veetaraagabhayakrodhah sthitadhirmuniruchyate (2.56)
yah sarvatraanabhisnehastattatpraapya shubhaashubham
naabhinandati na dveshTi tasya pragnaa pratishThita(2.57)
Arjun queried...
couldnt but ask....
about the way to glory,
through intelligence vast...
"How can intelligence be in equanimity
One who is steady in that
how does he walk, talk,
how is his mind's quality?"
and playfully said
They who can
again and again
let go
of every desire big and small
that rises and falls
through the little mind
being totally with themselves,
centered in the awareness of the blissful self
they are called the realised ones
having a clear, insightful intellect.
unconflicted mind
even amidst toughest times
free from suffering, misery, excuses or complain
amidst even deepest sorrow or excruciating pain
nor fluttered by feverish excitement or greed
amidst even lavish, pleasureful gain
untormented by fear, anger,
craving or disdain
with an intelligence
established in serenity
such alone is the
one steadfast in quietness,
smiling in insightful equanimity
Neither charmed by the worthy
nor repulsed by the ominous
neither attracted
nor averse
to anything-objects, situations, people
that intelligence
is established in the honorable.
Mahatma Gandhi's version
54. What, O Keshava, is the mark of the man whose understanding is secure, whose mind is fixed in concentration? How does he talk? How sit? How move.
55. When a man puts away, O partha, all the cravings that arise in the mind and finds comfort for himself only from Atman, then he is called the man of secure understanding.
56. Whose mind is untroubled in sorrows and longeth not for joys, who is free from passion, fear and wrath—he is called the ascetic of secure understanding.
57. Who owns attachment nowhere, who feels neither joy nor resentment whether good or bad comes his way—that man's understanding is secure.
Dr. Ramanand prasad's version
Arjuna said: O Krishna, what is the mark of a person whose Prajna is steady and merged in superconscious state? How does a person of steady Prajna speak? How does such a person sit and walk? (2.54) (Prajna means consciousness, mind, intellect, judgment, discrimination, and wisdom.)
The Supreme Lord said: When one is completely free from all desires of the mind and is satisfied in the Self by the (joy of) Self, then one is called a person of steady Prajna, O Arjuna. (2.55)
A person whose mind is unperturbed by sorrow, who does not crave pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear, and anger; such a person is called a sage of steady Prajna. (2.56)
Weekly Knowledge #118 | Bangalore Ashram |
10 Sep 1997 | India |
How To Get Centred
Shifting the awareness from the experience to the experiencer; since all
the experiences are on the circumference and they keep on changing.
The experiencer is at the centre.
Again and again come back to the experiencer.
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