Wednesday, October 10, 2007

II t. Return to the source(2.58-2.61)

A tortoise though an unlikely guide
illuminates a path
slow and deliberate in stride

An unhurried pace
reveals a time for reflection
A place to retreat
A place of true protection

Exploring oneself
instead of chasing endless enjoyment
Knowing your Self
instead of your desires

The lure of possible,
hopeful satisfaction
The thrill of the taste
Sight, smell and embrace

Still there is no perfection
A cosmic incomplete reflection
That beautiful knowledge
It only exists
In the center of
Your inner self
~ Gayatri, Youth teacher, Art of living foundation

yadaa samharate chaayam koormongaaneeva sarvashah

IndriyaaNeendreeyaarthebhyastasya pragnaa pratiShThitah (2.58)

vishayaa vinivartante niraahaarasya dehinah

rasavarjyam rasopyasya param drushTva nivartate (2.59)
yatato hyapi kaunteya purushasya vipashChitah
indreeaaNi pramaatheenee harati prasabham manah (2.60)
taani sarvaaNi sanyamya yukta aaseeta matparah
vashe hi yasyendreeyaaNi tasya pragnaa pratishThitaah (2.61)

The One explained:

like the cautious turtle

totally into its shell

one who can skilfully
the senses
from the sensations

or their external cause

reposing in the inner source

know their intelligence
as unwavering

When the body is malnourished
or unwell
the senses hardly run
toward fun
owing to lack of energy
and yet the impressions,

cravings of the sensory remain...
Just one moment is enough to make them retire
-the moment of insight
of the supreme essence

the crazy pleasure drives
of the unruly mind
even carrying away
the wise sometime

regaining their restraint
skilfully resorting in
the ONE, the source
innately free - beyond constraints
such are the smart ones
driving the senses masterfully
instead of being driven around
by their restless nonsense

Dr. Ramanand Prasad:

When one can completely withdraw (or restrain) the senses from the sense objects as a tortoise withdraws its limbs (into the shell), then the Prajna of such a person is considered steady. (2.58)

The desire for sensual pleasures fades away if one abstains from sense enjoyment, but the craving (for sense enjoyment) remains. The craving also disappears from the one who has seen (or known) the Supreme. (2.59)

Restless senses, O Arjuna, forcibly carry away the mind of even a wise person striving for perfection. (2.60)

Having brought the senses under control, one should fix one's mind on the Self. One's Prajna becomes steady whose senses are under control. (2.61)
Sri Sri Ravishankar:
Weekly Knowledge #135 Milano
07 Jan 1998 Italy

You Are Pure Electricity

Desires for sense pleasure are electric in nature and they get neutralized as they move towards the objects of senses. If, by your skill, you could move them within you towards the centre of your existence, another dimension of everlasting pleasure, thrill, bliss, and undying love will all be yours. Lust, greed, power and jealousy are also powerful because they are nothing but energy and you are the source of it - the pure electricity. Dedication and devotion keep the purity of your electricity and they move you upward.

Realizing you are pleasure or electricity yourself your craving subsides and serenity dawns. Remembering that you will die makes you alive now, free from cravings and aversions. The wise is always careful not to get entangled and dizzy in the mind.

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