Friday, October 26, 2007

III c. Work with Freedom (3.9)

yagnaarthaat karmaNonyatra lokoyam karmabandhanah
tadartham karma kaunteya muktasangah samaacharah (3.9)

in this world,
only that work brings freedom
which is done joyfully,
to move toward knowledge,
as an offering with love!
all else brings bondage...

work thus, with a smile,
move with freedom
toward knowledge
celebrating life,
free from patterns,
work, dropping all worry
rejoice in equanimity
celebrating the inner freedom
silent even amidst activity!!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

Human beings are bound by Karma (or works) other than those done as Yajna. Therefore, O Arjuna, do your duty efficiently as a service or Seva to Me, free from attachment to the fruits of work. (3.09) (Yajna means sacrifice, selfless service, unselfish work, Seva, meritorious deeds, giving away something to others, and a religious rite in which oblation is offered to gods through the mouth of fire.)

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