Monday, October 22, 2007

III b. Action is superior than inaction (3.6-8)

karmendriyaaNi sanyamya ya aaste manasaa smaran
indreeyaarthaan vimooDhaatmaa mithyaachaarah sa uchyate (2.6)

yastvindriyaaNi manasa niyamyaabharaterjuna
karmendriyaihi karmayogamasaktah sa vishishyate (2.7)

niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyaayo akarmaNah
shareerayatraapi cha te na prasidhyedakarmaNah (2.8)

outwardly restrained
but inwardly indulgent
one whose mind dwells on and on
on sense gratification
befitting is the title of hypocrite,
for such a self-cheating fool!

on the other hand
the one who is inwardly
disciplined, collected and cool
using the body as a tool
in action-for-harmony
such a special smart one
is centered, savoring the self-rule!

act freely as the moment needs you to....
far superior than inaction,
or even feet-dragging reaction

is the calm, unresisting involvement in "to-do"
even your journey in the body
being unsustainable, impossible
if inaction, resistance, lethargy, dullness
you allow to take over you!!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

The deluded ones, who restrain their organs of action but mentally dwell upon the sense enjoyment, are called hypocrites. (3.06)

The one who controls the senses by the (trained and purified) mind and intellect, and engages the organs of action to Nishkaama Karma-yoga, is superior, O Arjuna. (3.07)

Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction. Even the maintenance of your body would not be possible by inaction. (3.08)

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