Saturday, October 20, 2007

III.a Actions happen by nature! (3.1-5)

Arjun uvaacha jyaayasi chet karmaNaste mataa buddhirjanaardana
tat kim karmaNi ghore maam niyojayasi keshava (3.1)

vyaamishreNeva vaakyena buddhim mohayasiva me

tadekam vada nishchitya y ena shreyohamaapnuyaan (3.2)

Shree Bhagavan uvaacha

lokesmin dvividhaa nishTha puraa proktaa mayaanagha
Gnaanayogena saankhyaanaam karmayogena yoginaam (3.3)

na karmaNaamanaarambhaan naishkarmyam purushoshnute

na cha sanyasanaadeva sidhhim samadhigachhati (3.4)
na hi kashchitkshaNamapi jaatu tishThatyakarmakrut
kaaryate hyavashaha karma sarva prakruti jairguNe(3.5)

perplexed, and yet amazed,
Arjun said
When intelligent thought
you deem as superior
then why set me up on this war-act of horror?
such a variety of words from you
make my intellect bewilder and confused!
just tell me one definite way
that would lead me to glory

and long term joy which would transfuse!

Smiling at his innocent pal

the ONE spoke in a tone royale!

The way back to ONE ness
has apparently "two" lanes...

as has been earlier said
Unity through wisdom, knowledge

the mathematician-philosophers say
and the yogis have a smart-action-way

Neither is freedom attained
by refusing
to engage, participate

or to take up a venture-responsibility-act
nor does perfect wisdom dawn
to them who
from resistance to action
renounce, retire or retract!

Not a moment can life sustain

without action, dynamic or vain!

like programmed machines -
transducers of pleasure and pain
organic entities function
and enact
the natural body-qualities
helplessly automatic,
driving both the craving and disdain!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

Arjuna said: If You consider that transcendental knowledge is better than work then why do You want me to engage in this horrible war, O Krishna? (3.01)

You seem to confuse my mind by apparently conflicting words. Tell me, decisively, one thing by which I may attain the Supreme. (3.02)

The Supreme Lord said: In this world, O Arjuna, a twofold path of Sadhana (or the spiritual practice) has been stated by Me in the past. The path of Self-knowledge (or Jnana-yoga) for the contemplative, and the path of unselfish work (or Karma-yoga) for the active. (3.03) (Jnana-yoga is also called Saamkhya-yoga, Samnyasa-yoga, and yoga of knowledge. A Jnana-yogi does not consider oneself the doer of any action, but only an instrument in the hands of divine for His use. The word Jnana means metaphysical or transcendental knowledge.)

One does not attain freedom from the bondage of Karma by merely abstaining from work. No one attains perfection by merely giving up work. (3.04)

Because no one can remain actionless even for a moment. Everyone is driven to action, helplessly indeed, by the Gunas of nature. (3.05)

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