tadasya haratipragnaam vaayurnaavamivaambhasi (2.67)
tasmaadyasya maahaabaaho nigruheetaani sarvashah
indreeyaaNeendreeyaarthebhyostasya pragnaaprateeShThitah (2.68)
quickly taken adrift by the wind
so is the mind chasing the flimsy senses
stolen away from the center and intelligence,
hence oh mighty one,
take charge of the organs/senses
driving them coolly,
toward the essential, the needful,
rather than being driven away by them,
in chasing the "want" or the "wishful"
such a disciplined mind alone
can settle
in that inner intelligence-
the way to being centered
and supremely blissful
Dr. Ramanand Prasad's translation
The mind, when controlled by the roving senses, steals away the Prajna as a storm takes away a boat on the sea from its destination, the spiritual shore. (2.67)
Therefore, O Arjuna, one's Prajna becomes steady whose senses are completely withdrawn from the sense objects. (2.68)
Weekly Knowledge #361 Washington DC 03 Jul 2002 USA
Nigra means control.
Agra means insistence.
Satyagra means steadfast determination.
Duragra means blind adamancy, reckless stubbornness.
These four will give you progress when practiced for a limited period of time. They give limited results, positive or negative. But if they stay on for a longer period, they eat away the potential of life. One has to transcend all these four to attain peace.
Freedom is when you transcend all four. They are inevitable to streamline life but you need to transcend them to be free.
Give your own examples and discuss nigra, agra, satyagra, and duragra
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