Sunday, October 14, 2007

II w. The Unintelligent mind stays closed (2.66)

naastibuddhirayuktasya nachaayuktasya bhaavanaa
na chaa bhaavayatah shaantirashaantasya kutah sukham(2.66)

Alas, on the other hand
the unskilful racing mind,
too fragmented to let go,
to allow blossoming of wisdom

for the mind thus tormented
by languid, limited intellect
certain only in arrogant "I know it all"
numb to feelings
unmindful of the beauty of true silence
no wonder closed are the doors of that heart
estranged from itself-that inner quiet respite,
peace being out of question,
where to be found is joy? or that childlike smile?

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's translation
There is neither Self-knowledge nor Self-perception to those whose senses are not under control. Without Self-perception there is no peace; and without peace there can be no happiness. (2.66)

from Sri Sri ::

Weekly Knowledge #255 Banglore Ashram 01 Jun 2000 India


Wisdom that doesn't give rise to feeling is incomplete.

Feeling that doesn’t translate into action is incomplete.

Action that doesn't give rise to fulfillment is incomplete.

For Fulfillment, is returning to the Self.


Feeling the Presence

Only those who have eyes can see and only those who have ears can hear. That which has to be seen cannot be heard; it has to be seen. Life has five dimensions or five senses — seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. But there is one more dimension that has gone out of sight; that is feeling. Feeling the Presence. Light cannot be heard through the eyes; it has to be seen through the eyes. Sound cannot be seen through the eyes but heard through the ears. Likewise, the presence has to be felt by the heart.

God is not an object of senses but feeling the feelings, the presence of presence, the sound of silence, light of life, the essence of the world and the taste of bliss. And our human life is enriched only when we can live this sixth sense of existence, of feeling.

Take some time off every year to look a little deep into oneself and calm the mind down. Thus erasing all the impressions that we are carrying in our minds and experience the presence, the divine that is the very core of our existence. This is feeling THE PRESENCE!!!

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