Sunday, October 28, 2007

III e. Action springs from infinity(3.14-16)

annaad bhavanti bhootani parjannyaad annasambhavah
yagnaad bhavati parjanyo yagnah karmasamudbhavah (3.14)

karma brahmmodbhavam viddhi brahmmaaksharasamudbhavam
tasmaat sarvagatam brahmma nityam yagne pratishThitam (3.15)

evam pravartitam chakram nanuvartayateeha sah
aghaayurindreeyaaraamo mogham partha sa jeevati (3.16)

organisms sustain by food,
and how does a seed germinate
into a plant, a fruit bearing tree?
The rain of grace,
nourishing, nurturing the mystery of life...
making mud and water sway
in and as branches green...
origins of life, consciousness, feeling
such a deep and untangible mystery!
crossing the shore of ignorance
grace dawns via sincere pursuit,
heartfelt enquiry....
which origins in playful action,
dynamic and yet devoid of hurry...

And dynamic action,
expression of the very life
springing from the supreme
the infinity emerging from the immutable
returning eventually to the source
ever established, in the fire of truth-
the ultimate offering

stuck in limited thought
those unmindful
of this amazing cycle
careless, hedonistic,
chilling lazily in sensory pleasure....
what a waste life is for one
not even alive, merely existing
are those who imbibe ways such!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

The living beings are born from food, food is produced by rain, rain comes by performing Yajna. The Yajna is performed by doing Karma. (3.14)

The Karma or duty is prescribed in the Vedas. The Vedas come from Brahman. Thus the all-pervading Brahman is ever present in Yajna or service. (3.15)

The one who does not help to keep the wheel of creation in motion by sacrificial duty, and who rejoices in sense pleasures, that sinful person lives in vain, O Arjuna. (3.16)

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