Sunday, November 4, 2007

III f. Nurturing the inner celebration rejoice in action (3.17-20)

yastvaatmaratireva syaadaatmatruptashcha manavah
aatmanyeva cha santushtastasya karyam na vidyate ( 3.17)

naiva tasye krutenaarthe naakruteneha kashchan
na chaasya sarvabhooteshu kashcidarthavyapaashrayah (3.18)

tasmaadasaktah satatam kaarya karma samaachara
asakto hyacharan karma paramaapnoti poorooshah (3.19)

karmaNaivahi sansiddhimaasthitaa janakaadayah
lokasangrahamevaapi sampashyan kartumarhasi (3.20)

The one who knows how to access
the joy within themselves,
content in that inner nectar
nothing appears as work-burden then
Perceiving the inner beauty
such a one joyfully works,
and doesnt label it as a drudgery or "duty"

Neither is there obsession
about a task, a goal
nor resistance in dropping
what need not be done.
nor does such a one depend
on anyone for anything
in this whole creation
living like a free feather,
adding beauty each moment
rather than being a burden
to the earth.

Like that, centered, playfully, each moment...
do that which needs to be done
one who acts so dynamically,
free from feverishness
attains the state-enlightened...

Such resistance-free Action
was the life example set by Janaka
and others who attained perfection
even for inspiring the posterity
you need to give your best performance!

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

The one who rejoices in the Self only, who is satisfied with the Self, who is content in the Self alone, for such a (Self-realized) person there is no duty. (3.17)

Such a person has no interest, whatsoever, in what is done or what is not done. A Self-realized person does not depend on anybody (except God) for anything. (3.18)

Therefore, always perform your duty efficiently and without attachment to the results, because by doing work without attachment one attains the Supreme. (3.19)

King Janaka and others attained perfection (or Self-realization) by Karma-yoga alone. You should perform your duty (with apathetic frame of mind) with a view to guide people and for the universal welfare (of the society). (3.20)

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.
-- Albert Einstein

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