Thursday, November 8, 2007

III h. The wise let it be (3.26-29)

na buddhibhedam janayedagnaanaam karmasanginaam
joshayetsarvakarmaaNi vidvaan yuktah samaacharan (3.26)

prakrutairkriyamaaNaani guNaih karmaaNi sarvashah
ahankaaravimooDhaatmaa kartaahamitimanyate (3.27)

tattvavittu maahaabaaho guNakarmavibhaagayo
guNaa guNeshu vartante iti matvaa na sajjate (3.28)

prakrutairguNasammooDha sajjante guNakarmasu
taanakrutsnavido mandaan krutsnavinnavichaalayet(3.29)

the wise use words and silence
skill and intelligence to unite,
not divide...
the intellect of those
caught up in the doership-work-impressions
with enthusiasm and care
in all actions
big and small
the wise skillfully move
with balance...

Even all that one thins one does
by the very nature
of the body-mind, all of it just happens
the fool stuck in limited identity
thinks "it is I who did this and that
such a burden it is
I HAVE to do!!!!"

The one whose eyes are open,
the element of truth s/he who sees
well aware of the dull, active, bright
knows the difference
between the qualities, the actor
and the action...
knowing that the qualities act
by their very nature
the wise do not identify with them
the unwise, unmindful of this subtle play
unable to see the clear divide
between the force of the qualities
and the inner source
should not be disturbed
from their reactive pattern
with patience,
let the fools act as they do
work skillfully
without disturbing
the harmony between
the ignorance and the truth.....

Dr. Ramanand Prasad's version

The wise should not unsettle the mind of the ignorant who is attached to the fruits of work, but the enlightened one should inspire others by performing all works efficiently without attachment. (See also 3.29) (3.26)

All works are being done by the Gunas (or the energy and power) of nature, but due to delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer. (See also 5.09, 13.29, and 14.19) (3.27)

The one who knows the truth, O Arjuna, about the role of Guna and action does not get attached to the work, knowing that it is the Gunas that work with their instruments, the organs. (3.28)

Those who are deluded by the Gunas of nature get attached to the works of the Gunas. The wise should not disturb the mind of the ignorant whose knowledge is imperfect. (See also 3.26) (3.29)

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